In the vast landscape of organizational ecosystems, there once roamed a magnificent creature known as the Business Continuity Manager. With their sharp instincts and meticulous planning skills, they were the guardians of resilience, ensuring the survival of their organizations in the face of adversity. But alas, this noble creature is now facing extinction. Why, you ask? Well, it’s a tale of evolution, transformation, and the realization that business continuity is anything but a solo act: it is the duty of every individual in the organization. So, gather around as we explore the curious fate of the Business Continuity Manager. 

Once upon a time, organizations relied heavily on the Business Continuity Manager. They were the keepers of the sacred plans, the champions of risk assessments, and the orchestrators of recovery strategies. They were the go-to experts, revered for their knowledge and foresight. But as the world evolved, so did the understanding of resilience. 

The realization struck that business continuity is not a task to be delegated to a single individual or department. It is the collective responsibility of every employee, from the top executives to the newest recruit. Like risk management, the very essence of business continuity transcends the boundaries of titles and roles. It permeates the organizational DNA, intertwining with every decision, every action, and every interaction. 

The Business Continuity Manager must now evolve into an enabler, an educator, and a catalyst for change. They become the guiding force that empowers the whole staff to embrace their role in ensuring organizational resilience. No longer should the burden rest solely on the shoulders of one person; the knowledge must be shared, dispersed, and integrated into the very fabric of the organization. 

Imagine a world where business continuity is seen as a mindset woven into the everyday operations. It’s like the air we breathe—a necessity, taken for granted, yet essential for survival. It’s about recognizing that every decision made, every process implemented, and every project undertaken has the potential to impact resilience. It’s a paradigm shift that acknowledges the interconnectedness of all organizational functions. 

Business continuity managers shall inspire, educate, and collaborate, uniting the organization under a common goal: to be prepared, adaptable, and resilient in the face of any challenge. 

Now, some (among my BC practitioners’ friends and colleagues) may argue that this evolution threatens the existence of the Business Continuity Manager. But I propose a different perspective. Rather than disappearing into oblivion, they would undergo a metamorphosis, emerging as the champions of cultural change, becoming the advocates for embedding resilience into every facet of the organization, spreading their wings to influence and empower individuals at all levels. 

In this transformed landscape, the Business Continuity Manager thrives as a mentor, a facilitator, and a catalyst for continuous improvement, breaking down silos, fostering collaboration, and promoting cross-functional engagement. They would ignite a sense of ownership in every employee, awakening the realization that their actions directly contribute to the resilience of the organization. 

So, let us dream about a world where resilience would flow through the veins of every employee, where planning for the unexpected is a natural reflex (which it should in this permacrisis era !), and where the survival of the organization rests in the collective efforts of all. 

The spirit of the Business Continuity Manager would be preserved, not as an endangered species, but as an essential catalyst for change.